What is the Minimum Age?
Anyone can participate in an Over the Edge event! People in their 80’s or 90’s rappel! The only restriction is that anyone under the age of 18 requires a parent/guardian’s signature on the legal waiver.
Do I need EXPERIENCE to participate?
Not at all! The Over the Edge technicians – the pros – will provide all of the training and support you need to get Over the Edge!
What is the fundraising DEADLINE?
Event Day (October 12, 2024) is the official fundraising deadline. If you haven’t quite met your target by Event Day, you can contact us and we can talk it through!
What is the minimum/maximum WEIGHT to rappel?
Over the Edge’s safety standards require that people must be between 100-30o pounds in order to safely rappel.
Can anyone go up on the roof with me?
Unfortunately, no. Once you register, we will escort you up to the staging area on the 14th floor. From here, your complete attention needs to be on learning “the ropes” and listening to the technical team’s instructions. Friends or family could be distracting and we will need your full attention.
Can I rappel with my phone?
Again, unfortunately, the answer is no. At registration, down on the ground, we will provide you with secure storage for all personal items. You should have nothing in your pockets and nothing that could be dropped on rope volunteers or spectators below. This includes your phone, wallet, etc. If you prefer that a family member hold onto these things for you, just give them the items prior to registration.
Can I wear a COSTUME?
ABSOLUTELY! In fact, we encourage it. After all, you are a HERO FOR KIDS! Our on-site technical team will do their best to make your costume work for your rappel. The technical team has the final say in whether the costume is safe enough to rappel. Stringy, loose or excessive costumes must be avoided. Head pieces that will not accommodate a helmet, obscure the vision, or are notably large or heavy will rarely be allowed. Best bet? Contact us ahead of time and we will send the technical team a photo or description and they can decide ahead of time so adjustments can be made.